Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Kinect is Microsoft’s motion sensor add-on for the Xbox 360 gaming console. The device provides a natural user interface (NUI) that allows users to interact intuitively and without any intermediary device, such as a controller.
The Kinect system identifies individual players through face recognition and voice recognition. A depth camera, which “sees” in 3-D, creates a skeleton image of a player and a motion sensor detects their movements. Speech recognition software allows the system to understand spoken commands and gesture recognition enables the tracking of player movements. 
Although Kinect was developed for playing games, the technology has been applied to real-world applications as diverse as digital signage, virtual shopping, education, telehealthservice delivery and other areas of health IT. 
Kinect’s development codename was Project Natal. Microsoft chose the name Kinect as a portmanteau of the words kinetic (meaning related to or producing movement) and connect, which the company considers the two key purposes of the system.

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