Wednesday, November 6, 2013

3001 AD Trimersion

For the most immersive gaming experience, strap on this serious eyegear from 3001 AD. The Trimersion is a head-mounted, first-person shooter visor with a gun controller and programmable triggers. The device operates via a wireless base station, which is connected to your PC or game console. What's unique about this virtual reality system is its Head Mounted Display (HMD) technology, which is capable of monitoring a player's "head movements and updates the onscreen view to match, giving FPS gamers complete tactile control" for a full 360-degree view. I had the chance to try out the Trimersion at an event last year and had the best time ever! It's a bit heavier than other tech eyewear at 1.2 pounds, but it provides a virtual 40-inch screen from 6.5 feet away, and since it's wireless, I wasn't getting tangled up. The Trimersion is available now for $395, while the Tracked Gun Controller is coming soon. Currently, it's compatible with the Xbox, PS/PS2, GameCube, PCs and Macs.

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